[Update] ATTRAKT claims Warner Music Korea involved with company trying to poach FIFTY FIFTY, Warner Music Korea says that’s ‘groundless’

Following FIFTY FIFTY‘s company ATTRAKT coming out and saying there were outside forces trying to poach the group away, there were a lot of questions about what exactly was going on and who was behind it.

Well, turns out the call was coming from inside the house, as they are alleging an “outsourcing company” was working with Warner Music Korea to do it.

On June 26th, Attrakt released an official statement, saying “Attrakt already sent a content proof to Warner Music Korea on June 26th”, adding “It turns out that both an outsourcing company and Warner Music Korea are involved in the recent incident in which external sources attempted to lure the members with illegal intentions.” The agency continued, “We have secured evidence of the outsourcing company approaching Warner Music Korea and making an offer to sell the girl group Fifty Fifty to them”.

Attrakt official added, “We have already collected substantial evidence of their clear attempt to manipulate Fifty Fifty members with illegal intentions”, adding, “We ask Warner Music Korea to provide an accurate explanation and stance.”

Warner Music Korea is affiliated with FIFTY FIFTY mainly as their distributor, but they are signed under parent company Warner Records in America, so it makes some sense that the budding overseas branch might just try and take the group for themselves.

Regardless, there are four people I’d like to hear from in this situation that we haven’t gotten yet, and that’s the FIFTY FIFTY members themselves. It’s kind of unsettling that they are not speaking out despite allegedly being at the center of this, and I feel like hearing from them might clarify the situation a bit.


Warner Music Korea has issued a response, denying the allegations.

Warner Music Korea has done our best as a global distributor until now while respecting the opinions of the artists and artists’ agency, and we take pride in that this is demonstrated by various achievements.
ATTRAKT’s claims are groundless, and we are regretful that they have sent [us] a certification of contents.
We sincerely ask you to refrain from spreading unconfirmed rumors as well as baseless and speculative reports in the future.

No idea what’s going on.

It’s a mess, though.


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Hey, man.