B-Side Spotlight: August 2023 (JIHYO, SOMI, NCT U, tripleS, STAYC, Yunho, H1-KEY, VANNER, more)

Hello playlist darlings, it’s your favourite curator gremlin here again. I’m hoping you’re all doing well now that the seasons are changing, because I know I am personally at my full power once the heat finally dies down. Wherever you are, and whatever season you’re heading into, I hope it’s a good one. If by any chance it isn’t, hopefully a good soundtrack will make it easier for you — and I am nothing if not a provider.

But first, a small piece of housekeeping; in the past few months I’ve been providing links to a save-able Spotify playlist at the end of these posts, and I just wanted to flag that these playlists are basically mega versions of these posts. They’re bigger, and include artists that didn’t quite make the cut that these posts have. 

Anyway, I’ve gone on long enough; let’s get to some B-sides!



JEON SOMI – “Pisces” 

Yunho (TVXQ) – “Tarantino”

I know I’m usually on a month delay with music coming out, but how did I manage to miss a U-Know comeback?! I blame the heat, honestly.


Jo Yuri – “Lemon Black Tea”


Bz-Boys – “Burn It Up”

STAYC – “Be Mine”

LOVElution (tripleS) – “Speed Love”

Jihyo (TWICE) – “Room”


VANNER – “Diamonds”



H1-KEY – “Magical Dream”

TIOT – “Surfing”

SECRET NUMBER – “Crazy Love”

Cignature – “Sorry So Sorry”

Kim Sejeong – “Jenga”

God Sejeong can do no wrong (musically).


Kim Woojin – “Telepathy”


And that’s it!

As always, let me know any B-sides you loved during August, and be sure to check out the full Spotify playlist here. Happy listening!

About Ells

Full-time journalist & former boy group trash. (Not) full of bees. I like Epik High more than you do.