Hong Hyun Hee offers curt apology for racist skit on ‘People Looking For Laughter’

The racism in a skit on ‘People Looking For Laughtergenerated controversy, and then generated more after responses came from that controversy, but the actual comedian involved had remained silent. Recently though, Hong Hyun Hee finally spoke up, offering a curt apology, much like SBS did.

On April 26, she posted a message on her Instagram that said, “I am very sorry and apologetic towards those who were hurt by my thoughtless skit. I will try to be more careful and work harder so that I can provide healthier laughs in the future.”

Perhaps Sam Okyere speaking up led her to make an apology, or perhaps SBS made her do it, but it isn’t much anyway.

Hey, at least she didn’t get accused of being like ISIS over this, you know?


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Hey, man.