[Update] TOP pleads guilty to using weed, 2 years probation requested by prosecution

TOP, who was fortunately well enough to attend his hearing after his overdose, has been sentenced to two years probation (10 months in jail for violation) in his marijuana case.

In a partial reversal, TOP also admitted to using marijuana four times, twice smoking it and twice in liquid form, whereas previously he denied the latter charges.

TOP also met with the press, at which point he apologized.

So that ends that, and it’ll be fine as long as he stays out of trouble. Given that he’s a first-time offender, probation is a punishment in line with the norm as well, so nothing to get all fussy about there. Of course, this is why conspiracy theories about his overdose were always silly, because probation is exactly the punishment he was always facing.



Actually, TOP’s sentencing is not final yet, as earlier reports were just about what the prosecution is demanding, and he’ll have to wait until July 20 for everything to wrap up.


That means it’s likely going to be less than what the prosecution wants.


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Hey, man.