Dahye (ex-BESTIE) remakes “Poison” for solo debut, does medley of Uhm Jung Hwa’s hits

Former BESTie member Dahye recently made her solo debut, and she took something of a surprising route by remaking Uhm Jung Hwa’s classic “Poison”.

It’s somewhat difficult to review a remake where the primary difference is going from techno to Latin, but it’s a nice quasi-modern upgrade and if the point of this was to lay the ground work for Dahye’s future solo efforts then I think it managed to do that, as she never seemed overwhelmed with the material.


She also performed solo and it was her first time on stage in half a decade.


Additionally, Stone Music Entertainment released a video of Dahye doing a medley of Uhm Jung Hwa songs.

Honestly low-key found this more engaging because she really revamps some of these songs here and showcases her talent.


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