LOONA’s Vivi and Hyunjin reportedly win contract lawsuit against Blockberry

Back in February it was reported that LOONA members Vivi and Hyunjin would also be filing for contract termination, the last two members to do so as a part of a saga that started with Chuu’s case. At the time it was thought that both of them would have a good chance of winning because their terms were like Chuu‘s, and sure enough that was recently confirmed as they have been able to suspend their contracts with Blockberry Creative.

Vivi and Hyunjin, members of the group LOONA, are also parting ways with Blockberry Creative.
According to legal officials on the 9th, LOONA Vivi and Hyunjin, who recently filed an injunction against their agency Blockberry Creative to suspend the validity of their exclusive contracts, received a partial judgment in the first trial.

No word yet on what they’ll choose to be doing, but like the other five members who won their cases, they’re now also free to continue with their activities as they please.


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