Yoochun (ex-JYJ) now owes 500 million won plus interest to agency over contract violation

Okay, wow. I had to take a trip all the way to 2021 to remember what the latest mess involving former JYJ member Yoochun is all about, as he recently lost a 500 million won (plus interest) judgment relating to a contract violation.

To summarize, back in 2020, Have Fun Together (formerly Yesperar) signed with Re:Cielo for exclusive managements right for Yoochun until 2024. However, Yoochun demanded that they terminate the contract in May 2021 and shacked up with a management company run by a friend instead. As you can imagine, Have Fun Together filed a lawsuit over that and won a decision to ban his entertainment activities. However, Yoochun continued doing said activities anyway, and now is on the losing end of another lawsuit.

The company explained, “We filed a lawsuit seeking 500 million won in compensation, which is a part of the total damage,” adding, “While the lawsuit continues, Park Yoo-chun has continued to engage in entertainment activities, and his helpers have created overseas subsidiaries to avoid forced execution. Now, we will proceed with compulsory execution procedures in Korea and abroad against Park Yoo-chun and his helpers.”
According to the legal community on December 24, the Civil Agreement Department 45 of the Seoul Central District Court sentenced Park Yoo-chun and agency Re Cielo, which belongs to him and his mother, to jointly pay 500 million won and delayed interest to the Have Fun Together.

As I’ve said before with regards to this case, there are no real winners here, as both sides are dogshit morally.

Effectively, it’s Yoochun against a company that signed him in 2020 after all the shit came out about him, so they both suck. It is telling, though, that fucking around with company money is what’s gonna get him blacklisted for at least a bit.

That said, it truly is ridiculous that despite everything that has happened in his life, Yoochun still continues doing what he wants and pretending that the rules don’t apply to him.

Speaking of, it was also recently revealed that he failed to pay a total of five taxes to the government totaling 409 million won. The amount of shit he gets into seems unreal, in a way.


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