Rundown: The Wind, Cha Eun Woo, BIBI, Super Junior L.S.S., n.SSign, DK, more

I’m writing up another post on other stuff that was released this week, so in the meantime you’ll have to make do with fighting about this stuff.

Need (G)I-DLE to release music every week so we can get back to hairpulling and scratching in the comments, honestly. Sorta miss it now, lol.


Don Mills – “OK” & KC (Feat. Sik-K, HAON, Leellamarz) – “BUST IT DOWN”

People sometimes ask why I don’t cover more Korean hip-hop if I enjoy hip-hop in general, and … well. Not saying it’s all like this, but while I realize they’ll never unfuck themselves from generally coming off as posers, they mostly haven’t unfucked themselves musically either.


DK (iKON) – “LTNS”

Mostly unremarkable in a literal sense. My reaction was basically, “Alright.”


Super Junior L.S.S. – “JOKE”

I give them credit. Releasing three singles in what seems like a week and making people like me have to cover them all instead of just ignoring two of the songs as b-sides was excellent trolling. And at least they made me want to say shit about “JOKE“. Granted, what I want to say is that the song is absolute ass, but the music video full of old school references was kinda decent.


Sorn – “Cool”

The easy-listening trend can be neutering, especially when she started with sutff like SHARP OBJECTS.


BIBI – “Bam Yang Gang”

This is apparently doing well on the charts, and I like BIBI, so that’s nice. The song itself feels like an audition for a musical or something. Maybe I’m missing something, I dunno.


The Wind – “H! TEEN”

The melodic flourishes help make this a solid, if not safe, comeback with fluffy energy. Chorus doesn’t quite get there, and the nursery rhyme stuff combined with the on-the-nose yelps of “high teen” make it almost play like a parody.


Cha Eun Woo (ASTRO) – “Stay”

This marks his solo debut, which is one of those tracks that’s forgettable in a harmless OST sort of way. Regardless, the most important part is that it’s more content of fans getting to stare at him while acting, which I understand is hard to complain about.



Excessively repetitive but pleasantly safe and enough to sway along to (or groove along to) on the dance floor.


n.SSign – “Happy &”

Another song aimed at becoming a graduation anthem. I wish them the best, but musically, I still feel the same about this as the one from last week.


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